Clarksville Weather: An Exploration of Past, Present, and Future Conditions - Isla Deen

Clarksville Weather: An Exploration of Past, Present, and Future Conditions

Current Weather Conditions

Clarksville weather

Clarksville weather – As of now, Clarksville is experiencing a beautiful sunny day. The temperature is a comfortable 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with a humidity level of 60%. The wind is blowing from the west at 10 miles per hour, and there is no precipitation.

While Clarksville’s weather has been relatively calm lately, it’s important to stay informed about potential storms. For the latest updates on Hurricane Beryl, check out the hurricane beryl live tracker. As always, be prepared for severe weather and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

The following table provides a more detailed overview of the current weather conditions in Clarksville:

Time Temperature Humidity Wind Speed
10:00 AM 75°F 60% 10 mph
12:00 PM 78°F 55% 12 mph
2:00 PM 80°F 50% 15 mph
4:00 PM 77°F 55% 10 mph

Historical Weather Data

Clarksville weather

Clarksville’s climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters. The average annual temperature is 56.7°F (13.7°C), with average monthly temperatures ranging from 32.8°F (0.5°C) in January to 78.3°F (25.7°C) in July.

The city receives an average of 45.6 inches (115.8 cm) of precipitation per year, which is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. However, there is a slight peak in precipitation during the spring and fall months.

Clarksville enjoys an average of 2,520 sunshine hours per year, with the most sunshine occurring during the summer months.

Average Monthly Weather Data, Clarksville weather

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Sunshine Hours
January 32.8 3.7 160
February 37.5 3.4 170
March 46.8 4.1 190
April 56.3 4.3 210
May 65.5 4.0 240
June 73.8 4.1 260
July 78.3 4.3 270
August 77.2 3.9 260
September 69.4 3.5 220
October 58.3 3.1 190
November 46.4 3.3 160
December 37.7 3.6 150

Weather Forecast: Clarksville Weather

For the next seven days, Clarksville residents can expect a diverse range of weather conditions, from clear skies to chances of precipitation. Our comprehensive forecast provides detailed insights into the upcoming weather patterns, empowering you to plan your activities accordingly.

The following table presents a concise overview of the weather forecast for the next seven days, highlighting the day, date, temperature range, and probability of precipitation:

Day Date Temperature Range Precipitation Probability
Today March 8, 2023 40°F – 60°F 10%
Tomorrow March 9, 2023 35°F – 55°F 30%
Friday March 10, 2023 30°F – 50°F 60%
Saturday March 11, 2023 25°F – 45°F 80%
Sunday March 12, 2023 20°F – 40°F 90%
Monday March 13, 2023 25°F – 45°F 70%
Tuesday March 14, 2023 30°F – 50°F 40%

The rolling hills of Clarksville bask in the sun’s golden embrace, their verdant slopes whispering tales of summer’s arrival. Yet, a gentle breeze carries whispers from the bustling city of Louisville, where the weather paints a vibrant tapestry of clouds and sunshine.

As the day progresses, the sky above Clarksville reflects the vibrant hues of its neighboring city, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow that transforms the landscape into a living canvas.

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